Spring 2024 Moodboard

"The only way out is by doing the work. Changing is normal, switching is soulless. You will only create something beautiful by being authentic, and you can only be authentic by getting to know yourself thoroughly. It takes time; you won't be able to accomplish it 23, much less 17. But as you do, the cares slip away. Trends become a tool. Style is perennial.

go deeper:

but in doing so, you become aware of the half-examined impulses, stereotypes, impressions, etc. that inform your taste. do you have a responsibility to critically examine them? why? and for whose sake? if i want to wear silk french-cut briefs, a garter belt, and skirts in daily life, does it really matter why? still thinking.

I want my style to be saturated with me. I want certain words, ideas, articles of clothing to trail the thought of me, or my name, like a perfume.

I do not accomodate myself to the world. It feels like agreeing to pull my own teeth without anesthetic to tone myself down for the world. I do not do this to be seen. I do this to be myself. This is as natural to me as jeans and a t-shirt is to another. I am tired of making myself smaller for the world, even though I do it very little now. If my husband and I were the only two people to exist on the earth and somehow I still had access to this clothing, I would do it. Being seen is an unfortunate consequence of existing outside my home. It is so far from the goal that it's laughable. to translate the art & life inside of me outside.

My Strategy: - Be honest with your desires, wear what you want to wear, and trust that it’s okay if people respond. - Curate my persona. Don't hold back in the design process. You don’t need a 100% cohesive aesthetic, but you love honing on on the special “flavor” of you. - Be the Lady. This 'up'ness is essential to me. I don't need to justify it, it is who I am. - Bring the heresy. There needs to be some sensuality, intrigue, gothic romance to my outfits.

Challenges: - Don't get bogged down executing things correctly rather than expressing myself. - Don't tone myself down through concerns about 'practicality'. - Take the time needed to find the exactly right thing.

Intimidating, provocative, cohesive, high effort Sensual, elegant, intimidating, mysterious

ethereal = silk, lace. colors and texture, opalescent mysterious = colors. black, muted (?) jewel tones. gauzy white sophisticated = tailoring, heels, attention to fit, makeup & hair baroque - pearls,

Signatures of Style in 2024 - velvet - silk - lace - pearls - structure around bust or bust and waist, loose over hips and arms. - puffy/interesting sleeves - personal symbolism - dresses and skirts, especially full skirts - mini dress + tall boots - midi length + tall boots - unique sleeves - waist emphasis To Explore: - Lingerie as fashion - Sheer - Tulle


Persephone-esque shift in the seasons?

gothic heroine - ancient priestess - mysterious domina - lady of shalot - garden of idylls

I always had strong desires to explore different looks in my teens - especially goth and rivethead subcultures - but grew up in a household that didn't support that. There was heavy pressure to adhere to a certain preppy/ballerina-esque ladylike standard, with my mom controlling almost all of my shopping even after I started working. Once I went to college, I didn't really have money or energy to explore it, so it's only been since my mid-twenties that I've been able to really start expressing myself through fashion. I'm familiar with Kibbe and have given a lot of thought to which type I am (I think either soft gamine or theatrical romantic??) but I find it a bit exhausting. So much terminology that means a very specific thing in that system! But I want to find a daily style that communicates my inner world without taking 2 hours to get dressed and getting comments and photos from strangers (or worse, people coming up to me and touching my body or clothing without asking). I want to be 'me' all the time, even when I'm lounging. But I need some help figuring out how to do that.